Eleni Vernadaki (elenivernadaki.org)has revived art ceramics in Greece in the second half of the twentieth century with her vast, groundbreaking oeuvre, creating hundreds of ceramic object-forms and working on architectural applications of ceramics, while at the same time expanding her exploration of the handmade art object in other media. In this publication a representative selection of works from her overall output is presented in a scholarly fashion and comprehensively discussed, while her presence on the visual arts scene in Greece and abroad is put on record.
Eleni Vernadaki’s is a striking example of an independent, dynamic and ‘interactive’ career; throughout her working life she has explored the boundaries and the concept of ceramic art and of the handmade art object, managing to transcend the distinction on the one hand between “high art” and the so-called “minor arts” and on the other between the functional and the non-functional object. Under her direction the Athens Design Center (or adc,established 1968) became a focal point and a dynamic hub of creativity, displaying and promoting to the Greek public works that proposed an inspired union of the handmade art object and modern life.
On an international level, Eleni Vernadaki is numbered among the most important of the artists who have revived and enriched the field we have been accustomed to call the applied arts, establishing a single dynamic space for artistic creativity in which the conventional distinctions made between the arts seem completely outdated.